Piggy Advice
10 Piggy Advice

to help you with your finances

1 Set short, medium and long-term goals. They’ll help you accomplish your dreams and objectives.

Create two short,
two medium and
two long-term goals.

Short term goal Book Price $ $2
Medium term goal Skates Price $ $10
Long term goal Bicycle Price $ $40
Back to top 2 Save part of your allowance to reach your goals. You just need some planning!

Define a goal for your
savings (something you
want to buy).

Goal Price $ Today’s date Amount of time to accomplish your goal Back to top 3 When you decide to make a purchase, place importance on the things you really need and avoid spending your money on unnecessary things.

This week, don’t spend all
your money on candy.
Instead, save it in a piggy
bank (or AgentPiggy)
to reach your goal.

Back to top 4 When you receive money, make sure to save some of it. If you don’t spend it, you will have more tomorrow!

Save the leftover change
whenever you buy something
with your own money. That small amount of money will help you buy something of greater value.

Back to top 5 Donate and share your spare money. It can help other people that really need it.

Look for a charity and share
(if you can) a portion of your
money, clothes, food or time.

Donations Back to top 6 Money doesn’t grow on trees. Make an effort to earn it doing chores in your home.

Ask your parents or a
relative to do small challenges
to earn money. These activities
can be walking the dog, washing
your dad’s car,or washing
the dishes.

Back to top 7 Make smart decisions: When you’re faced with two products with similar benefits, choose the cheaper one.

Next time you go to the
supermarket, compare the
pricesof things you like the
most and choose the
cheapest options.

MILK $1.87 MILK $1.87 MILK $1.87 MILK $2 MILK $2 MILK $2 MILK $2 MILK $1.92 MILK $1.92 MILK $1.92 MILK $1.99 MILK $1.99 MILK $1.99 MILK $1.99 Back to top 8 If you ever borrow money or an item from someone else, always take into consideration returning it on time and on the same conditions that it was lent to you.

If you have items or money that belong to someone else, make sure you return it to them.

Back to top 9 Don’t borrow what you can’t pay back.

Plan how you are going to
return things that were
lent to you.


Andre's Book



$0.50 every week


Agust 10

September 8

Back to top 10 Budget your income, expenses and savings. It will help you to keep your finances in order so that you can plan for your future, and it will let you know how much money you really have.

Create a budget with your
income, saving, expenses
and donations.

Save $ 12.00 Spend $ 7.00 Donation $ 2.50 Back to top